Bäder® - Lackfabrik Bäder


    1. Reason for inquiry
    2. Specification
    3. Personal information

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    We will take care of your request as soon as possible and get in touch with you.

    If you wish, you can make further enquiries or find out more on our website.

    1. Reason for inquiry
    2. Specification
    3. Personal information

    Technical inquiry

    Do you have a technical question about one of our products? Ask it here and we'll take care of it.

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    Choose a product and its specifications

    Select one of our torque sealants and configure it in terms of tamper protection, colour and container.

    Document inquiry

    Select one of our torque sealants and the desired documents for it.


    Something was wrong? We are sorry! Please select the reason below and describe it in more detail.



    If you have a inquiry that does not fit with the other choices, please feel free to write to us here.

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    Further specifications (optional)
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    1. Reason for inquiry
    2. Specification
    3. Personal information

    Personal information

    Please fill in your contact information and submit the inquiry after confirming our privacy policy.

    Universal Schraubensicherungslack Entferner - Tropfflasche

    ユニバーサル ネジ不正防止塗料リムーバー

    ネジ不正防止塗料 (シール塗料 / マーキング塗料) の素早い除去に最適







    Lackfabrik Bäder GmbH & Co. KG のユニバーサル ネジ不正防止塗料リムーバーは、市販初のネジ不正防止塗料リムーバーで、ネジ不正防止塗料 (シール塗料 / マーキング塗料) の素早い除去に最適です。これはとりわけネジ接続、プラグ接続、ケーシング接続を頻繁に開く必要がある領域で重要になります。

    弊社のユニバーサル ネジ不正防止塗料リムーバーは、溶媒混合液です。 この混合液はネジ不正防止塗料の上に滴下され、約30分間作用させた後に適切な溶剤 (例えばアセトンまたはプレドニゾロン) または Bäder ユニバーサル希釈剤で洗い落とされます。