There are many different reasons for using torque sealants

Torque sealant and its range of applications

Due to the wide range of applications of torque sealants five different main fields of application have emerged over the years.

Obwohl Schraubensicherungslacke schon auf ein beinahe 60 jähriges Bestehen zurückblicken können (die Lackfabrik Bäder GmbH & Co. KG vertreibt Schraubensicherungslacke seit 1962), ist ihre allgemeine Funktion und damit verbunden Ihr Anwendungsspektrum, wenn überhaupt, nur sehr spärlich dokumentiert. Dies hat verschiedene Gründe.

First, the torque sealant market can be considered small in relative terms compared to other industries, which is why there is only limited public interest in it. Secondly, the term "torque sealant" can be confusing, as it describes only part of its range of applications.

Nevertheless, torque sealants are used across the board in a wide range of industries. These include, among others, the automotive industry, the aerospace industry, the rail and railway industry or, for example, manufacturers and service providers of funfair rides. Ultimately, it is difficult to find industries in the manufacturing sector that do not have any points of contact with torque sealants. Why? Because screws are used everywhere. And where there are screws, there are usually also torque sealants.

Torque loosening indicator

To immediately recognise any loosening of safety-relevant screw connections.

Visual inspection marker

To indicate that a screw connection has already been properly tightened or another workpiece has been checked.

Tamper indicator

To indicate whether screw connections or components have been loosened without authorisation. This is often used in connection with warranty claims.

Assignment indicator

To indicate which point in the production chain was the last to work on the workpiece in question.


To secure screw connections.

Due to the many different fields of application, there are many different terms that can be assigned to the umbrella term "torque sealant". These include: torque seal; torque seal paint; tamper proof sealant; tamper proof indicator paste; torque inspection seal; torque indicator paste; torque stripe; witness mark; marking ink; screw protection varnish.

If you have any further questions on this subject, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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