The security level Topsecure (BäderIdent®) offers an unambiguous product identification, making it an effective means against product counterfeiting and manipulation of every kind.
Hidden security feature
Unambiguous product identification
Neon Orange
Mit der Sicherheitsstufe Topsecure (BäderIdent®) bietet Ihnen die Lackfabrik Bäder GmbH & Co. KG einen effektiven Schutz. Unser hoch innovatives System ermöglicht eine eindeutige Produktidentifikation und ist somit ein probates Mittel gegen Produktfälschung, sowie ‑manipulation jeglicher Art.
By means of a suitable analyser, you can always check the authenticity and integrity of your product. The measurement of the marker can be done on site at any time within seconds and is therefore of high practical use. Moreover, the measurement of the resultant markers can be done with a very low standard deviation. This makes it nearly impossible for counterfeiters to forge the particles.
The mobile and non-destructive test method enables authentication that can be repeated as often as required, which can always take place on site and thus without removing the torque seal coating.
We will be happy to work with you to develop the right solution for the individual protection of your products.
Manipulation and counterfeiting of your products do not only endanger the reputation of your company, and through that the trust of your customers in your products, they also harbor high financial risks. The risk of being held accountable for unjustified recourse and damage claims is high and the resulting potential damage for your company from that can be considerable.
The security level Topsecure (BäderIdent®) contains in low concentration a new integrated additive in the lacquer system.
The additive is an inorganic fluorescent marker. The deployed marker reacts to radiation with visible and invisible fluorescence. The fluorescence in the visible range can be seen with the naked eye. For a more specific proof, the characteristic properties of the fluorescence can be measured with a portable device.
At Bäder®, we enable advanced processes for security and privacy for our customers that protect their products and data.
For an effective and efficient protection of misuse and manipulation, however, not only the quality and linked to that the protection against forgery of the employed microparticles is of importance, but also the safe distribution and the guaranteed confidentiality of all customer-specific information. Distribution and information security therefore are of the highest priority to us. To ensure this, every order processing follows a strictly specified protocol, whereby a greatest possible transparency is ensured, enabling a traceability of every single production step.
By means of a suitable analyser, you can check the authenticity and integrity of your product at any time.
Die Lackfabrik Bäder GmbH & Co. KG ist zertifiziert nach DIN EN ISO 9001:2015.
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